Ryan Castelaz


Ryan is a wild dreamer who wears his heart on his sleeve. Having spent the last 6 years exploring the boundaries of the coffee industry with @discoursemke, and more recently sharing much of this work with the world via his best-selling book “The New Art of Coffee: From Morning Cup to Caffeine Cocktail” (@rizzolibooks, 2023), Ryan has now turned his gaze towards the world of cocktail bars, and specifically, how non-alcoholic bartending can be married with the world of modern mixology.

For the last decade, Ryan has bounced from coffee shops to corner bars, and from local pubs to Michelin star dining rooms, building a unique perspective on what makes a hospitality experience truly special. He believes in curating moments of accessible luxury, in which pretense melts away and all that remains is the sheer bliss of being truly taken care of.